Definition of Direct product

1. Noun. (set theory) The direct product of an indexed family of sets is the set of functions from the indexing set to the union of the family, whose values at any given index lie in the set indexed thereby. ¹

2. Noun. (mathematics) The generalization of direct product (1) to arbitrary categories. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Direct Product

direct loan
direct lytic factor of cobra venom
direct lytic factors
direct mail
direct mailer
direct marketing
direct maternal death
direct method for making inlays
direct nuclear division
direct object
direct objects
direct ophthalmoscope
direct ophthalmoscopy
direct percussion
direct primary
direct product
direct products
direct pulp capping
direct pyramidal tract
direct quotation
direct rays
direct reacting bilirubin
direct resin restoration
direct retainer
direct retention
direct service costs
direct speech
direct sum
direct support
direct supporting fire

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